Part I. I am encountering many current readings that reinforce the notion of a Christian strengthening or stretching the mind. In my book, The Faith Equation, on p. xiii and xiv, The Faith Equation is defined to be
Faith = (Mind) + (Heart) + (Will).
My mind is engaged with the equation as it gathers evidence for a decision. My heart is engaged in the equation when it feels the need for something to fill a void in my life. My heart is involved when I know within me that there is some disconnect that life is not providing an answer for; I hurt, I feel, I need, I long… In short, there is a void that needs to be filled by a focus on God. My will is engaged as I choose to come to faith—it is a choice that seems to be unequivocal, accompanied by a commitment and a bias to action.
Continue reading More on Strengthening the Mind of a Christian – Part I